Sunday, June 17, 2007

Here we go!

This is going to be somewhat of a food diary. Not in the traditional sense though. This isn't to loose weight. It's not to gain weight. It's to save the guts of my husband. :)

We have food issues. I should rephrase that. He has food issues. What are they? We aren't sure. This is an attempt to figure things out. Things we do know:

1. He has blood sugar issues bordering on diabetic. His mother in diabetic and as a result that increases his chances of having it quite a bit.

2. Certain foods will not always create a reaction. This is directly related to foods he has had prior to the onset of the reaction. The food that triggers the reaction may be a "bad" food or it may be the straw that broke the camels back.

3. Grains/carbs are NOT user friendly.

4. Raw is best in regards to produce.

5. Since switching to vegetarian and more organics reactions are less harsh on his body.

6. He is soy sensitive.

7. It is NOT irritable bowel syndrome, gluten intolerance, dairy sensitivity/lactose intolerant.

Hopefully this blog will help us out. We are about to do another diet overhaul (the first major one being going vegetarian back in March) and as we find out what works and doesn't work I'll be here. Hopefully for others that have major food issues this will help somewhat.

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