Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mmmm kefir!

Looks tasty huh? Those are my purtty little kefir grains ( can get water ones too). A friend sent them to me recently. We had been talking about supplements (she's for them, I'm generally not) and she mentioned she had some she could send me. I said okie dokie since I know kefir is supposed to be good for you and I know the girls will drink it. I've done two batches so far. The first one was small and was half milk and half heavy cream. Holy cow was that some sweet smelling fermentation! The second batch was larger and just milk. The girls didn't like that one as much (go figure). I ended up using most of it in a loaf of banana bread. These things are pretty cool and as soon as they grow a bit I'm sending some to the older sister. My neice is on the Feingold diet right now and kefir is something she can tolerate. It's not cheap though! I'm hoping they grow here soon. For the curious here are some links:

Kefir and some quickie info
Recipes using kefir (I used the banana bread recipe found there...not sure I like it but hey, it's a free cookbook!)
More good info...lots of interesting facts on this one!

1 comment:

loves2spin said...

Kefir... one of my favorite things! I have been brewing it for somewhat over a year now, and have found it to be not only delicious and healthy, but very versatile and useful as well. Good for you!