Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sometimes I eat on Saturday...

*bonus points if you name the movie ;)*

I sure do know how to dissapear huh? I'm not even going to pretend that I 1. remember everything I've wanted to blog about foodwise or 2. that I'll do it. It's been too long and honestly, I lost my steam there for a bit. I'm getting back on track now though so I figure I should be posting again. :)

I've been in a baking food lately. I wish I had gotten pictures but last week I did cornbread and banana bread. The banana bread stayed moist and springy for over a week despite being kept on the counter and obviously cut into. I'm guessing my bananas were perfect for it at the time. Knowing I wanted to try my hand at bread again (it's a love hate thing) I got everything needed for a basic white bread.

I started some tonight using this recipe and so far so good. My dough rose so much when I deflated it it hissed at me. This is a good thing! It also rose so much that instead of 2 loaves worth I have 4. I am waiting for the 2 to finish their final rising so I can bake them and I stuck the rest of the dough in the freezer. I'm hoping we like the flavor because I rather like the recipe. It seems fiddly and it is to an extent but so far the dough it makes is awesome so I'm willing to deal with fiddly.

I got a book from the library today that is making me want to cook so bad right now. It's The Joy of Cooking: All About Vegetarian Cooking. It has some history/"traditional" facts and some practical advice (like a food pyramid for vegetarians). I'm not a cookbook fan. I don't like the clutter and the amount of space they take up etc. and I want to buy this. The recipes look fantastic and I honestly can't say there isn't one I don't plan on trying. It has a variety of recipes from soup stock to pasta and salads. It uses real stuff too...there are a couple recipes for tofu but it's only a few and even then it doesn't list a bunch of ingridients a first timer would need to google. I cannot wait to get cracking on it! Too bad the store is closed. I seriously considered going and getting some stuff already. :)

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