Friday, March 5, 2010

So far....

well I'd like to say so good but I'll be honest. I have not been doing as well as I had hoped. Baby steps though right? While I haven't stopped the outside sugar I have reduced it a ton and that's big.

We are currently in Oregon and it's making me hungry. Sounds goofy I know but there is something about sunlight that makes food appealing. :) One of the employees we have is apparently fond of one of my soups. Fond may not be a strong enough term actually. On a recent trip I sent the spouse with 6.5 QUARTS of said soup. Please take the time and reread that sentence. 6.5 QUARTS. Said employee actually called on behalf of herself and some other employees to request I send some. How's that for an ego boost? The spouse? He got maybe 2 or 3 of them. The said employee? She inhaled the rest. By herself. Generally in one sitting. I met her just recently as her and the spouse needed to go do bank stuff. She asked him to ask me (because as she said, she was too embarassed to ask me herself) if I would personally make her a personal batch. We aren't sure if she is sharing with her boyfriend as the way she talks about it makes it sound like she isn't.

I'm making a fresh batch tonight (though not due to was meal planned in (: ) so I will get pictures and the recipe written down and share it. It started with a google search one day and has just been tailored to fit our likes. Nothing special (or so I thought).

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