Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cinnamon rolls

I made enough to freeze some (though not many). They turned out so tasty! We topped ours with some orange vanilla frosting. Delish!

To freeze:
Once cut (regardless of recipe used), place on cookie sheet as if you were going to let them rise. Stick in the freezer! Once frozen bag them. Good to go. To use just take them out (however many you want) before you head to bed the night before. When you wake up theyll be nice and risen and ready to go. I've seen differing views on this. Some said stick them in a warm place and some said the fridge. Me? I stuck them on a plate in my oven. If you go the fridge route you may want to take them out earlier to ensure they have enough time to defrost.

Orange vanilla frosting:
3 tablespoons butter- softened
1 tablespoons orange rind
2 tablespoons orange juice
a splash of vanilla (I just dumped mine in all nilly-willy)
enough powdered sugar for the desired thickness

Mix it all up and enjoy!

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