Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Experiments in soup

Last night we had salad for dinner (huge and tasty! I love my salads!) and wanting something "more" I looked up soups. There was one the other day that sounded so good so I tracked it down.

Cucado Soup
2 large cucumbers (peeled)
1/2 avocado
1 tsp. lemon juice

And then I stray from the recipe. :) It called for parsley or something like that. Whatever it was I didn't have it (it was a tame flavor). So I added chives and some salt.

Blend until liquid and smooth.

It was....different. The flavor needs some tweaking. He thought it needed salt and pepper but I don't know if that's what it needed. Maybe something like a mint. It has a very smooth even flavor but it's not quite a discernable flavor. I don't know. Neither of us ate very much so it got stuck in the fridge. It doesn't seem like much but it makes a good amount. Definitely enough for me, him, and a little for the tot. I think a big gtting used to thing is the fact that it was cold and traditionally soup is hot. I know there are some cold ones out there but they aren't very common. Knowing this was a "soup" and having it was cold as it was was hard to wrap our minds around. I think I might throw it back in the blender today (it thickens as it stands it seemed) and try it again at lunch. I think it's just a matter of getting used to it.

This was a green food too. :) I'll take a picture at lunch so you can see the color. Pretty shocking to dip your spoon into green soup.

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